9 Oct 2007

Memory mapping


Anonymous said...

This little doodle that i made is meant to represent the underpass which we travelled through on our journey. Being scared of enclosed spaces myself, i found this underpass very daunting, and left me with the idea that the underpass left a contradtiction in its own purpose; the purpose of the underpass being to make you safer. This therefore suggesting it to be a surreal thing within the city;doing not what you expect it to do.

Charley G. Simpson (Artist)

Anonymous said...

On another journey we made, this time in personna of the blind, the idea of the underpass became even more of a challenging task. Stephanie, our trusting volunteer, leaving her life in our hands as her guides, experienced a very different experience to that of the first time as herself. We found that the dissorientation of the underpass enhanced the initial suggesting to the underpass being surreal due to it contradiction in purpose. The echos, the cold, and the presense of other voices around her disorientated her more so than the effect of being blind. She was unable to follow voices behind or infront of her as the tunnel was filled with reverberating sounds. Coming up into the light on the other side became more safe that the undepass itself.
