Thursday saw again a lot of frantic activity, and after the crisis talks on wednesday, it was time to look at the bigger picture. The shapes and forms were right, but it needed some adaptation and extra depth to give the piece its meaning.

Gee made the above model on friday morning. Although it was not to be used it did give some inspiration and motivation to the team.
Last but not least the final installation

Gee made the above model on friday morning. Although it was not to be used it did give some inspiration and motivation to the team.
Last but not least the final installation
The overall effect of the piece and the confidence of the group was suddenly raised by actually seeing the piece in its eventual position. Its location was very important as it was the first thing that you saw as you stepped out of the Eldon building into the courtyard.

The glasses of water represented the emotion around the site. This idea was inspired by the small memory maps that each student did at the start of the project. The ideas of the fear and enclosure, safety and noise. The hands represented the personas of the people and the idea that they move throughout the city.